Speaking of ancient traditions, the bread of Matera is certainly an excellent topic. Those who came to Matera can not forget its strong flavor, its long-lasting freshness and its particular shape. I’m not here to talk about the story of this very old food, you’ll find lots of information about a lot of sites that talk about the Città dei Sassi , especially now that Matera has been designated as the European Capital of Culture 2019 !. What I want to tell you is how I managed to shape the bread of my city with a crochet hook. just on the occasion of the approach of 2019, I felt the need to create a souvenir of Matera particular, not yet available in the many shops that are located in the city, which was a memory of his bread. Armed with patience, I started this project. I assure you that shaping bread with ‘crochet is one of the most difficult things you can do, because of the colors above all, and then the shape, which does not always make the intention. So I made my little amigurumi, a form of bread of small size (only 10x5cm). I used a cotton thread of Scotland brown N ° 10, put on double, and a crochet No. 2. I must say that I made several attempts to get a shape that came close to that particular of the cornetto with three cuts of the original, but I think I succeeded. What do you think?